Character journals are IC journals that your character writes in, go figure.
You can have a journal for your character, however, that other people can actually read. While it can't be used for metagaming as per our rules on such, it does give insight into your character and helps development.
How do you start a character journal? Head over to wordpress and make yourself an account.
Some examples:
The above characters are two of Daerias' and my older characters, are no longer roleplayed, and have had their journals archived. If you're curious about layout, have a look at Emmory's - under ripped out pages on the left hand menu. You can see how there are numbered posts, and it reads like a diary would.
Once you've made your character's journal, have either Daerias or Thoraen add it to the list below!
Character Journal Master List:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - A Soldier's Charge, The Journal of Daerias Bael'avel.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - Aeternum Per Lumen, The Personal Journal of Lord Avarasai